Minggu, 26 April 2015

Telling About My Experience

Everyone in this world definitely have an experience throughout their life  and now, I’m going to tell mine. It’s about my job experience. It was started after  I was graduated from high school because after I graduated  there was a long holiday. So, I took part time job to spent my holiday before I continued my study in collage.

It was my very first time and I felt little bit nervous in the first day. I  worked as an interviewer to survey many people about some products. This job didn’t need too much skill because as long as we were confident talked face to face with people and had a good personality, it was more than enough.  But, being an interviewer wasn’t easy as I thought. Sometimes I had to be patient with people who didn’t understand the questions that I gave. So, I have to ask  the question again and gave some explanation until they were understand. 

Actually, worked as an interviewer was really tiring because it started at 09.00 AM until I finished surveying all my respondences. Sometimes, it could be finished at 09.00 PM. Although it was tiring, but I enjoyed my job. To me, the beginning was always full of struggle. But in the end I felt the result after I got the salary.  This job made me realized how my parents worked to earn money to finance their children and also made me realized as their children I shouldn’t be wasteful.

Jumat, 10 April 2015

Pengambilan Keputusan Manajemen

Manajemen membutuhkan informasi sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan mereka. Sistem informasi mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam menyediakan informasi untuk manajemen setiap tingkatan. Tiap-tiap kegiatan dan keputusan manajemen yang berbeda membutuhkan informasi yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu untuk dapat menyediakan informasi yang relevan dan berguna bagi manajemen, maka pengembang sistem informasi harus memahami terlebih dahulu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manajemen dan tipe keputusannya
Keputusan bisa berulang kali dibuat secara rutin dan dalam bentuk persoalan yang sama sehingga mudah dilakukan. Keputusan yang dihadapi mungkin serupa dengan situasi yang pernah dialami, tetapi ada ciri khusus dari permasalahan yang baru timbul. Pengambilan keputusan adalah memilih satu atau lebih diantara sekian banyak alternatif keputusan yang mungkin.

Tipe-Tipe Kegiatan Manajemen
Kegiatan manajemen dihubungkan dengan tingkatannya didalam organisasi dibagi menjadi 3 bagian:
1. Perencanaan strategik
merupakan kegiatan manajemen tingkat atas, sebagai proses evaluasi lingkungan luar organisasi, penerapan tujuan organisasi, dan penentuan strategi-strategi. 
- Proses evaluasi lingkungan luar organisasi 
Lingkungan luar dapat mempengaruhi jalannya organisasi, oleh karena itu manajemen tingkat atas harus pandai mengevaluasinya, harus dapat bereaksi terhadap kesempatan-kesempatan yang diberikan oleh lingkungan luar, misal produk baru, pasar baru. Selain itu manajemen tingkat atas harus tanggap terhadap tekanan-tekanan dari lingkungan luar yang merugikan organisasi dan sedapat mungkin mengubah tekanan menjadi kesempatan. 
  • Penetapan tujuan adalah apa yang ingin dicapai oleh organisasi berdasarkan visi yang dimiliki oleh manajemen. Misalnya tujuan perusahaan adalah dalam waktu 5 tahun menjadi penjual terbesar di dalam industri dengan menguasai 60% pasar. 
  • Penentuan strategi manajemen tingkat atas menentukan tindakan-tindakan yang harus dilakukan oleh organisasi dengan maksud untk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Dengan strategi semua kemampuan yang berupa sumber daya-sumber daya dikerahkan supaya tujuan organisasi dapat diraih.
2. Pengendalian manajemen
sistem untuk meyakinkan bahwa organisasi telah menjalankan strategi yang sudah ditetapkan secara efektif dan efisien. Ini merupakan tingkatan taktik (tactical Level), yaitu bagaimana manajemen tingkat menengah menjalankan taktik supaya perencanaan strategi dapat dilakukan dengan berhasil. Taktik yang dijalankan biasanya bersifat jangka pendek (kurang dari 1 tahun). Proses pengendalian manajemen terdiri dari: pembuatan program kerja, penyusunan anggaran, pelaksanaan dan pengukuran, pelaporan dan analisis.

3. Pengendalian operasi 
Sistem untuk meyakinkan bahwa tiap-tiap tugas tertentu telah dilaksanakan secara efektif dan efisien. Ini merupakan penerapan program yang telah ditetapkan di pengendalian manajemen. Pengendalian operasi dilakukan di bawah pedoman proses pengendalian manajemen dan difokuskan pada tugas-tugas tingkat bawah.

Tahapan Pengambilan Keputusan
  1. Intelligence, Merupakan tahap pengumpulan informasi untuk mengidentifikasi masalah.
  2. Design, Merupakan tahap perencanaan solusi dalam bentuk alternatif pemecahan masalah.
  3. Choice, Merupakan tahapan memilih alternatif yang disediakan.
  4. Implementation, Merupakan tahap melaksanakan keputusan dan melaporkan hasilnya.

Tipe-Tipe Keputusan Manajemen
  1. Keputusan Tidak Terstruktur (Unstructured Decision), Merupakan keputusan yang tidak terjadi berulang-ulang dan tidak selalu terjadi
  2. Keputusan Setengah Terstruktur (Semi-Structured Decision), Merupakan keputusan yang sebagian dapat diprogram, sebagian berulang-ulang, dan sebagian tidak terstruktur.
  3. Keputusan Terstruktur (Structured Decision), Merupakan keputusan yang berulang-ulang dan rutin, sehingga dapat diprogram.


A. Yes / No questions (closed questions)

Yes/No question are called closed question because they're only two possible responses: Yes or No.


correct incorrect
Are elections next year? Elections next year?
Does he want to stay? He want to stay?
Have the boys eaten? The boys eaten?
Can the dog swim? The dog swim?
Use the verb BE to ask Yes / No questions about the identity or description of a person, place, or thing.
question response
Am I your friend? Yes. / Yes, you are. / Yes, you are my friend.
Is this a good restaurant? No. / No, it is not. / No, it is not a good restaurant.
Are these islands Greek? Yes. / Yes, they are. / Yes, these islands are Greek.
Was his idea interesting? No. / No, it wasn’t. / No, his idea was not interesting.
Were they happy? Yes. / Yes, they were. / Yes, they were happy.
Note that the response can be short (Yes. / No.), or long: Yes or No followed by the subject and verb.
Use the verb BE with a preposition to ask Yes / No questions about a present or past location.
question response
Am I at the correct location? No. / No, you aren’t.
Are the keys under the books? No. / No, they are not.
Was his house on an island? Yes. / Yes, it was.
Were the demonstrations in the center of town? No. / No, they weren’t.
Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question about a current activity or situation. This requires the present progressive: BE + (verb+ing).
question response
Am I going with you and Tom? Yes. / Yes, you are.
Is she working today? No. / No, she isn’t.
Are we seeing a play tomorrow? Yes. / Yes, we are.
Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question about a past activity or situation. This requires the past progressive: WAS / WERE + (verb+ing).
question response
Was it raining? Yes. / Yes, it was.
Were they playing? No. / No, they weren’t.
Use the verb BE to ask a Yes / No question with the passive voice.
question response
Is gold mined in Canada? Yes. / Yes it is.
Are flowers grown here? No. / No, they are not.
Was the book read? Yes. / Yes, it was.
Use the verb HAVE to ask if somebody has done something or if some action has taken place. Note that these Yes / No questions use the present perfect (HAVE + past participle).
question response
Has your brother left? No. / No, he hasn’t.
Have you driven before? Yes. / Yes, I have.
Has the party started? Yes. / Yes, it has.
Use the verb DO to ask Yes / No questions in order to obtain facts about people, places, or things.
question response
Do they smoke? No. / No, they don’t.
Does it rain here? Yes. / Yes, it does.
Did the key work? No. / No, it didn’t.
Use modal verbs to ask Yes / No questions about possibilities or uncertainties.
question response
Can we stay? Yes. / Yes, we can. / Yes, we can stay.
Could this be true? Yes. / Yes, it could (be true).
Should they stop? No. / No, they shouldn’t (stop).
May I help you? Yes. / Yes you may (help me).
Remember: When asking Yes / No questions with DO or a modal verb, the main verb remains in the base form (without to).
correct incorrect
Do you drink coffee? Do you to drink coffee?
Does she work here? Does she to work here?
Can I go with you? Can I to go with you?
Should we email her? Should we to email her?
However, if there are two verbs that follow DO, the second verb remains in the infinitive (with to).
correct incorrect
Do you want to drink coffee? Do you want drink coffee?
Does she like to work here? Does she like work here?
Did you need to go home? Did you need go home?
Note that there are several ways to answer Yes / No questions, especially when using contractions.
question response
Is he busy? No.
No, he isn’t.
No, he’s not.
No, he is not.
No, he isn’t busy.
No, he’s not busy.
No, he is not busy.


B. Wh- questions (open questions)

 Wh- questions are so called because with the exception of the question word how, all the question words begin with the letters Wh. They are also called open questions because the number of possible responses is limitless. This means they must be answered with more information than just a simple “yes” or “no.”

Here are the Wh- English question words:
who, whom

Who and whom are used to obtain information about a person or people.
question response
Who is at the door? Tom is at the door.
Who wants an apple? I want an apple.
Whom is he dating?
(Who is he dating?)
He is dating Anna.
Learn more about the difference between who and whom.
What is used to request information about somebody or something.
question response
What is this? This is a bird.
What did she say? She said to be quiet.
What have they done? They’ve broken the window.
When is used to obtain information about the time period in which an action occurs.
question response
When does Anna arrive? She arrives at 10:30.
When can I see you again? I don’t know.
When was the race? The race was yesterday.
Where is used to obtain information about the location of a person or thing.
question response
Where does Natasha live? She lives in Miami.
Where were the keys? The keys were in the car.
Where have you been? We have been at the bank.
Why is used to obtain information about the reason something happens, or the reason somebody does something.
question response
Why is the steet closed? They are repairing it..
Why did Alex leave? He had a meeting.
Why haven’t you called? I lost my cell phone.
In informal American English, "How come?" is sometimes used in place of "Why?"
Why is she late? = How come she’s late?
Why did he stay?  How come he stayed?
Why can’t you go? How come you can’t go?
How is used to obtain information about the way something happens, or the manner or way somebody behaves or does something.
question response
How does this work? Push the red button.
How was your mother? She was much better.
How has the weather been? It’s been very rainy.
How will he win the race? By training every day.
Which is used to obtain information in order to make a comparison between two or more similar things or people.
question response
Which of these pens is the best? The black one.
Which author do you enjoy? I enjoy reading Borges.
Which river is longer, the Nile or the Amazon? The Nile.
Which street leads downtown? The street on the left.
Whose is used to obtain information about who something belongs to.
question response
Whose book is on the table? That’s Tom’s book.
Whose idea was that? It was her idea.
Whose child is this that has a cough? He is my child.
Warning! Do not confuse whose with the contraction who’s (who is). In spoken English, these words sound exactly the same, but in writing they are very different. Learn more about who’s vs whose.

C. Question Tags

Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. 

Usually if the main clause is positive, the question tag is negative, and if the main clause is negative, it's positive. For example: It's cold (positive), isn't it (negative)? And: It isn't cold (negative), is it (positive)?

auxiliary verb + subject
  1. We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb, we use do.
    • You live in Spain, don't you?
  2. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative.
    • You're Spanish, aren't you?
  3. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative.
    • You're not Spanish, are you?


  1. We use tag questions to confirm or check information or ask for agreement.
    • You want to come with me, don't you?
    • You can swim, can't you?
    • You don't know where the boss is, do you?
    • This meal is horrible, isn't it?
    • That film was fantastic, wasn't it?
  2. We use tag questions to check whether something is true.
    • The meeting's tomorrow at 9am, isn't it?
    • You won't go without me, will you?

Additional points

  1. In the present tense if the subject is I, the auxiliary changes to are or aren't.
    • I'm sitting next to you, aren't I?
  2. With let's, the tag question is shall we.
    • Let's go to the beach, shall we?
  3. With an imperative, the tag question is will you.
    • Close the window, will you?
  4. We use an affirmative tag question after a sentence containing a negative word such as never, hardly, nobody.
    • Nobody lives in this house, do they?
    • You've never liked me, have you?
  5. When the subject is nothing, we use it in the tag question.
    • Nothing bad happened, did it?
  6. When the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone or everyone, we use they in the tag.
    • Nobody asked for me, did they?
  7. If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag question.
    • You have a Ferrari, don't you?
  8. With used to, we use didn't in the tag.
    • You used to work here, didn't you?
  9. We can use affirmative tag questions after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest.
    • You're moving to Brazil, are you?


  1. If we don't know the answer, it is a real question and we use a rising intonation with the tag question.
    • You don't know where the boss is, do you?
  2. If we know the answer and are just confirming the information we use a falling intonation with the tag question.
    • That film was fantastic, wasn't it?
